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Espetáculo para Bebés dos 6 meses aos 3 anos
CARNEIRINHOS nasce do desejo de comunicar com os mais pequenotes através do Teatro criando momentos poéticos e lúdicos que estimulam a sensibilidade e a imaginação da criança num ambiente de aconchego e proximidade.
Através da técnica e da linguagem do Teatro de Objetos uma atriz constrói uma paisagem com elementos que vai retirando de duas malas, cria momentos de interatividade que estimulam a sensibilidade e a capacidade cognitiva da criança usando um mundo sonoro que acompanha o espetáculo, texturas e movimento.
Quando os CARNEIRINHOS contam com a presença dos pais dos Bebés, este momento transforma-se também numa oportunidade para que os pais e as crianças experimentem novas formas de comunicação fortalecendo o seu elo de ligação.
Ein Schauspiel für Baby´s im Alter zwischen 6 Monaten und 3 Jahren
Die kleinen Lämmer entstanden aus dem Wunsch heraus ein Schauspiel zu schaffen, das sehr junge Zuschauer durch spielerische und poetische Momente anspricht.Die Vorstellungskraft der Kinder wird in einer warmen und behutsamen Atmosphäre stimuliert.Durch die Sprache des Objekttheaters erschafft die Darstellerin Landschaften mit Gegenständen die sie aus ihren zwei Koffern entnimmt, und beschert den Kindern interaktive Momente.Sie fördert zudem die kognitiven und sinnlichen Wahrnehmungen der Kinder durch Töne, Texturen und Bewegungen.Die Show ist in technischer Hinsicht sehr simple und kann daher in einem beliebigen Ort aufgeführt werden, wie Kindergärten, Büchereien, Theater und Lehrveranstaltungen.

The Little Lambs was born out of the desire to create a show that would appeal to very young audiences by creating playful, poetic moments that stimulate children’s imagination in a warm and caring atmosphere. Through the language of the theatre of objects, the performer creates a landscape with what she takes out of her two suitcases and provides moments of interactivity that encourage the children’s cognitive and sensorial perception through sounds, textures and movements.
The show is very simple in technical terms and can be presented in a variety of places such as kindergartens, libraries and educational services from theatres and museums.When Little Lambs is presented to children who come with their parents, it becomes an opportunity for parent and child to share a different experience and discover new ways to communicate and strengthen their bonds.
Conceived, directed and performed by Maria de Vasconcelos
Set Design: Maria de Vasconcelos
Original Music : Pere Cabaret and Maria de Vasconcelos
Costume: Roseane Rocha
Photos: © 2017 Micaela Sousa | Nomadic by Choice. All rights reserved.
My Thanks to Carole Garton, Fernando Mota, Inês Grazina, Paulo Ferro and Vicente Ferro


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